Anger Management Class
This program is designed for individuals who need additional assistance in understanding how anger is affecting their lives.
Domestic Violence
Terra Firma Diversion/Education Services offers a 52 week Certified Domestic Violence Batterer's Treatment.
PC1000 Drug Diversion
Also known as the Deferred Entry of Judgment Program, PC 1000 is a 24-week program in the County of Alameda.
Relapse Prevention
Relapse Prevention is a minimum 10 to 20 week program to assist substance and alcohol abusers who have relapsed, or those seeking to obtain sobriety.
Drug Testing Facility
Offering an extensive panel of drug testing options to individuals and businesses.
Supervised Visits
A safe environment to facilitate court-mandated or otherwise visitation needing oversight and documentation.
Supervised Exchanges
A neutral and unbiased facilitator of parental exchanges.